Chapter Three: Sailor Pluto Takes a Hand

When Ami and I returned to my room, a package was sitting on the table beside my computer. I picked it up and cocked an eyebrow, then handed it to her. The tag on the package had been addressed to Ami, from Sailor Pluto. She looked surprised, and was about to set it down when she flipped the tag over and laughed. On the back of the tag, in Sailor Pluto's elegant - almost Spencerian - script, were two words: Open Now.

Ami worked the package open, as careful with it as she was with her programming. Inside was a bundle of royal blue satin, which unfolded into a teddy when she picked it up. The blush on her cheeks was so beautiful, I couldn't resist pressing my fingers to her lips and whispering, "I love you" when she looked up at me.

"But why is it from Sailor Pluto, instead of Setsuna?" Ami puzzled over that, obviously trying to approach the question logically. The answer seemed intuitively obvious to me: it was important for Ami to stay here tonight.

"Maybe because she sees something that requires you to be here with me?" I smiled and looked into her eyes. "She couldn't say it directly; that would break the rules. But if we drew the conclusion ourselves...."

"She'd have given us the same benefit as if she had told us, without breaking the rules." Ami's smile lit up the room and she threw her arms around me. "Don't go anywhere, ok?"

"I'll stay right here, angel. I promise." Ami was already dashing for the bathroom as I spoke, so I sat in front of my computer, dripping on the floor, to see how my simulation was running. The simulated circuits were working much better than I'd expected. In fact, the difference was as great as if I'd tried running a neural network simulation intended for a PC on a Cray. If I could get the materials and build the circuits, instead of just simulating them, it would give us all an incredible advantage. I saved the simulation and closed the computer, looking up just as Ami stepped out of the bathroom wearing the teddy.

My breath caught in my throat, and my ears roared like storm surf. I'd thought she was beautiful nude, but Sailor Pluto's gift had been designed to emphasize her beauty beyond anything I'd imagined was possible. I raised a hand to her, tears filling my eyes as I realized once again just how much I loved her. She crossed the room and took my hand, looking for validation in my gaze.

"Do I look all right?" she whispered uncertainly.

"Beautiful ...," I managed to whisper as I gripped her hand and gently tugged her closer. "So beautiful...."

Ami purred and snuggled against me for a minute, then began tugging at my shirt.


Amazingly enough, I'd awakened and managed to slip out of bed before Ami, and was performing my morning rite before my shrine - I carry a few basics with me whenever I travel - when I felt her eyes on me. Since I'd missed the day before, I didn't let her presence hurry me. When I blew out the candle after meditating, I knew that today was going to be especially important - for both of us.

I turned to face the bed, and she smiled up at me while extending a hand in invitation. I chuckled and sat on the bed beside her, taking her hand and holding it to my heart. She sighed happily and pressed a kiss against my lips with her fingers.

"I'm the happiest girl alive." Her eyes sparkled as she spoke, speeding my heart.

"Happier than Usagi or Michiru, even?" I smiled as I teased her.

"Mmm...yes." She stretched, arching her back as the covers slid down her body and revealed the beauty of her form, then sat up to wrap her arms around me. "So what will we do today?"

"That depends on when your class is, doesn't it?" I smiled and cradled her against my chest.

"Mmm...I have three classes today. One at ten, one at one, and one at four."

"In that case, I think a nice long shower, some breakfast, and a pleasant walk to campus are in order for this morning. We'll have lunch together, then I'll meet you at the shrine after your last class. How's that?"

"Sounds wonderful...eek!" she squealed as I scooped her up and carried her to the bathroom.

Once I'd stood her on her feet, I returned to the main room to root around in my overnight bag for the shampoo and conditioner I'd brought with me. I always carry some, in case the hotel doesn't have any I can safely use. This hotel did, so I'd saved my supply for something special - and it doesn't get any more special than Ami.

"I'd like to congratulate you before everyone else shows up," Sailor Pluto's voice said from behind me. I froze; turning around to speak with her would be very embarrassing at the moment.

"Congratulate me? Shows up? What's going on?" It's amazing how mysterious that woman can be when she wants to...

"On your engagement. And your daughter. You'll both make wonderful parents - and it won't interfere with Ami's schooling. Or her ability to fight." She anticipated the two worries that immediately came to mind. I turned to face her, too surprised to remember I was naked.

"Our daughter? But...I'm sterile. That's why..." my voice trailed off as a thought came to mind.

"You mean, you were sterile," Sailor Pluto said with a knowing smile. "That was only a problem before you died."

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came. Sailor Pluto, still smiling that knowing smile, stepped back into the shadows and vanished.

"Bill? Are you ok?" Ami stepped out of the bathroom with a worried look on her face. I took a deep breath and smiled weakly at her.

"I'm just fine, Angel." I waved my shampoo and conditioner in her direction and moved to join her. "Just had to dig a little to find these."

"Are you sure?" Ami hugged me gently. "You look as if you've seen a ghost."

I had to laugh. The idea of a ghost giving me the look of shock that was on my face was just too funny. Ami scowled at me for a moment, then realized what the joke was and joined in. Both of us laughed until we slid down the wall and landed on the floor, which triggered another bout of laughter.

Finally, we managed to control ourselves enough to stumble into the shower. The feeling of washing Ami's hair for her do you describe the pleasure of bathing someone you love? The only way to understand it is to experience it yourself.

Ami knew a restaurant between the hotel and campus that was good enough to carry Makoto's recommendation. A quick check in the phone book told us it was open for breakfast, so after we dressed - and she transformed to Sailor Mercury and back, freshening her outfit - we departed, hand in hand, to enjoy a nice pleasant breakfast.


I left Ami at the door to her classroom, with a deep and hungry kiss that promised her I'd be waiting for her when her class ended. Several of her classmates pushed past us with shocked expressions. She blushed happily as she entered the room, and I slipped away through the crowd.

My first stop after leaving Ami was at the shrine, to talk with Rei's grandfather. He wasn't nearly as bad as I'd expected. His skirt chasing was obviously an attempt to stave off old age, and he could still kick my butt around the training floor six falls out of ten. I arranged for regular training sessions with him, then he demonstrated his own perceptiveness.

"You're the one who promised to kill Naru if she gets possessed again. I wouldn't have expected that from an American."

"I've been dead. Given the choice between that and what happened to her, I'd rather be. But I'd rather by far find the bastard who's responsible for what happened to her and make him dead, instead."

"You have a good chance of it. You have the aura of a ninja. If Rei and her friends can't destroy him, I think you have a good chance of doing it."

"Rei and her friends?" I raised an eyebrow. Somehow, I got the feeling Rei's secret life wasn't nearly as secret to her grandfather as she'd like it to be.

"The Senshi. You've fought with them already." His eyes twinkled with pride and love.

"You know she's going to be upset if she realizes you know."

"That's why I haven't told her. And that's why you won't tell her." He chuckled and fetched tea for both of us. Once it was poured, he rejoined me by the fire. "The fire told me you'd be coming this morning. And that your reason was only indirectly related to the Senshi."

I had to smile and nod, thinking of Ami. He caught my expression and chuckled, then offered a blessing. Hey, I'm not proud. I'll take blessings from anyone of good will.

"Could it be that your mission has to do with an impending marriage? Perhaps to a certain ice princess?"

"She's not icy when you get to know her," I shot back without thinking, then blushed as he laughed warmly. "OK, you got me. Yes, I'd like you to marry us, so that Rei can be one of her maidens. I know it's a bad time of year for marriage, but-"

"Think nothing of it. There's no such thing as a bad time of year for marriage."

He looked into the fire for a minute, then smiled and nodded. "I suggest a marriage on April 1. That's a little less than eight weeks from now."

"I suppose it'll take that long to make all the arrangements - especially when it comes to some of the guests that might show up." I smiled and bowed my head. "Now I need to find a jeweler so I can buy her a ring."

"Hold on a moment, I have a jeweler's card. He makes the jewelry we bless here." Grandfather scuttled into the house and returned a minute later with a business card. "Here you go. Tell him I sent you and you'll get a better deal."

"Thank you, Grandfather." I stood and bowed, moments before my watch beeped. "Sorry. That's my warning I need to head to campus in order to meet Ami."

"Happy to help." He smiled and raised his voice just enough to carry through the walls of the shrine. "Now if only Yuuichiro had the gumption to do the same for my granddaughter...."

We heard a thumping noise and a crash from outside. Grandfather laughed.

"Actually, I know he's asked, but Rei's afraid he'll get hurt because of who she is, so she won't answer him." He sighed. "Maybe I need to have a talk with her."

"I suggest wearing some armor if you do." We laughed together, in total agreement over Rei's temper.


The door to Ami's classroom was just swinging open as I slid to a stop in the hall outside. A number of the students gave me curious looks as they escaped their confinement - and startled looks when I caught a flying Ami in my arms.

" where should we go for lunch, my love?" I asked her, when we came up for air.

"I know what I want...but we don't have time for that," she purred, nuzzling me. "I know a great sandwich place just off campus. We can get a bag and sit in their sun room."

"That sounds like a winning proposition to me." I kissed her and chuckled softly at the crowd watching us. "So are you going to introduce your classmates, angel? Or would you rather try to do it as we walk?"

Ami turned her head, saw the crowd, and squeaked, doing her best ostrich impression. I laughed and snuggled her, looked at the others, and bowed as best I could with my love hiding under my arm.

"Good afternoon. My name is Fred MacManus." Ami surreptitiously punched my side; I smiled and waited.

"Fred MacManus? But he's a fictional character!"

"I know. I created him."

"You did? You mean, you're-?"

"That's right. I am. And now that Ami and I have finally met in person, I love her even more than I did when I only knew her from her email." I looked down at my angel and gently ruffled her hair. "Shall we get lunch, Angel?"

Ami nodded and glanced out at the crowd, then ducked her head against me again. She really was shy about expressing her emotions. I smiled and nodded to the students as I led Ami out of the building.

We were half way to the sandwich shop when we ran into Usagi and Makoto, who was carrying a picnic basket. Usagi waved, shrieking excitedly, until we joined them. I glanced around and noticed nobody else within a good thirty yards.

"Hello, Princess," I bowed, with a teasing smile. "Did I detect a royal summons being made?"

Ami and Makoto giggled, while Usagi did her best to look regal and dignified - a look she could pull off with a little more experience in controlling her bubbly personality, I think.

"You did indeed." She didn't make it any farther than that; her good humor took over and she bounced a bun off my forehead. "Gotcha!"

I reached up and wiped a little frosting off my forehead, then tasted it. "Say, that's good. I've never been able to get cream cheese frosting to work. You're going to have to teach me, Makoto."

"It's really easy. The next time we have a meeting at my place, remind me and I'll show you how." Makoto smiled. I guessed she was so used to hearing compliments from the rest that having a new voice chime in and say something about her cooking was a treat.

Usagi laughed and led us to another one of the school's buildings, where she tugged us into a private dining room and locked the door behind us.

"There! Now nobody can disturb us!" I wondered if she ever did anything by halves - then decided she just wouldn't be Usagi if she did.

Ami sat opposite Usagi and Makoto, then tugged me down beside her. I had to laugh. Makoto was unpacking six bento boxes and several different varieties of pastries - including a dozen sticky buns like the one Usagi had hit me with.

"Let me guess...three boxes for Usagi and one each for the rest of us?" I grinned as Usagi paused to stick her tongue out at me before picking up one of the boxes.

"That's right. We guessed you'd be meeting Ami for lunch, and wanted a chance to catch both of you before this afternoon." Makoto smiled, a warm smile that reached all the way to her toes. Some people are just made to be friends; Makoto's one of them.

"How did you know we'd be walking that way?" Ami asked.

"It's the shortest way to the sandwich shop," Usagi laughed. "With three classes today, I knew you'd want to fuel up, not just nibble on something while enjoying the company."

Ami blushed and ducked her head. I smiled and nodded to Usagi. She's a lot more perceptive than she pretends to be. Or maybe that's a lot more perceptive than she appears. If she weren't such a pure heart, she could be dangerous.

"So what are your plans now?" Makoto asked, passing a box to each of us. "You're not going back to America, are you?"

"Not if I can weasel a resident visa out of the authorities. I was thinking about looking for a house this week. Some place big enough to allow a lab, a study space, and a meeting space. Know any abandoned temples?" I grinned.

"No, I don't think so," Makoto murmured thoughtfully. "I suppose you'd prefer someplace in the country, right?"

"As a matter of fact, I would. But if I bought one, I'd keep it as a place to go for special times, as long as Ami's in school. Of course, if I bought a place in the country, what I'd really want is an onsen."

"You would?" Usagi squealed excitedly. "I thought Americans didn't go in for that."

"Well, I'm a little weird for an American, wouldn't you say?" I chuckled as she nodded, blushed, and smiled radiantly when she realized I wasn't upset. "I've always loved a good hot soak...not just in this lifetime, but as far back as I can remember. I drove my servants crazy in Khem. I'd had my house built with a tub big enough to float in, and insisted on soaking in water as hot as I could stand whenever I came home after a hunt."

"Why would that drive them crazy? It sounds perfectly reasonable to me." Usagi was honestly confused. I chuckled and smiled before answering.

"To most people, hot water was for washing or cooking with. If you wanted to bathe, you'd just soak in a pool, lake, or the river. At whatever temperature it happened to be. That was part of what kept me from being a priest, at first. Cold baths, twice a day, just didn't suit me. If they'd been hot..." I laughed at the thought that such a little thing could affect the choices I'd made so long ago; the choices that had set me on the course that had brought me to Ami's side.

"You mean, you'd have been a priest instead of a demon hunter if the baths had been hot?" Usagi looked frankly disbelieving.

"Probably not," I laughed. "I'm way too into hands-on approaches to problems. You see, I firmly believe God put us on this world to do things, not just watch as things happen. While it's important to perform the rites that keep us in communion with them, it's just as important to be out in the world and acting as their hands."

All three nodded in agreement, with a puzzled look on Makoto's face.

"I'm not sure I heard you said God, and them?"

"No, you heard me right. You see, in my faith, there is one God - but because humans aren't infinite, God takes on many faces so that we can approach understanding of at least a small part. The face of God that guides and teaches you is kind of like a parent: loving, understanding, sometimes giving you a good spanking..." I smiled and took a bite of shrimp.

"And which face is your parent?" Usagi asked. She was so interested, she'd actually forgotten she had a third box sitting in front of her untouched. I smiled and looked at Ami.

"Do you think you can pull up a picture on your computer, Angel?"

She pulled out her computer and began tapping, then grumbled. I looked over her shoulder and saw that the picture she'd pulled up had been from an annoying anime known in America as Ronin Warriors. I reached over her shoulder and typed in while kissing the back of her neck. Once the site came up, she quickly found her way to the picture gallery, and had a picture of Ienpw on the screen. She passed the computer to Usagi, who took it carefully so she wouldn't accidentally hit a key. Not that it mattered, because as soon as she saw the picture, she eeked and dropped the computer.

"Usagi?" all three of us asked in unison. She was shivering as she looked at the picture, then looked up at me with wide eyes.

"He's your parent?" She bowed - very low. My jaw dropped; no way should the Princess be bowing to me. I'm just a simple demon hunter, not any kind of royalty.

"Usagi?" My voice sounded small and unsteady - at least, to me it did.

"I remember."

Makoto picked up the computer and eeked the same way Usagi had, then looked at me with eyes just as wide. I felt around on my forehead and looked at Ami. "Did I just grow a horn out of my forehead or something?"

"No, my love." She reached up and pulled me down for a kiss before continuing. "They're just remembering what I remembered this morning when I watched you pray."

" what is it you remembered that I don't?"

"What we remember is seeing Him grant Queen Serenity an audience, and tell us all that one of His children would always be our friend and companion."

"Queen Serenity?" OK, so I was a little confused. I called Usagi "Princess", because it felt right. I didn't know then just how right it was...

Between the three of them, they explained who Queen Serenity was, why they existed in this time, and what they understood of what the future held for us all.

**This certainly wasn't in the briefing, Lord. I sure don't remember any of this.**

**I knew they'd tell you as soon as their memories of it returned. You don't remember because you weren't there. My child who was, was Haruka and Michiru's lover. She helped them watch the outer reaches, to stop invaders before they got close enough to threaten the Earth.**

**What about this Crystal Tokyo thing?**

**A probability. The most likely, and one of the least offensive of all the possible paths the future could take.**

**And that's why I've been brought here?**

**That's right. You are the promised companion for this generation. You are to help ensure the future happens as they remember it.**

I took a deep breath and hugged Ami while trying to wrap my mind around what my Lord had told me.

"I wasn't there. The one who was...I don't know her name, but she was Haruka and Michiru's lover. I'm the appointed one for this generation."

All three of them smiled and nodded. Ami kissed me happily while Usagi and Makoto looked on.

"My job isn't to be a protector, like Tuxedo Kamen. I'm to be your friend, your companion, and to help ensure that Crystal Tokyo happens." I looked down at Ami and smiled, lost in the beauty of her gaze. "Anything else that happens is up to us."

Suddenly, an image floated in my mind; an image of a molecule like I'd never seen before.

"Ami? Can I borrow your computer for a minute? I need to note something down before I forget it."

Ami took her computer back from Makoto and cleared the screen before handing it to me. I began typing furiously, keying in the image of the molecule and the formulae that came to mind as I concentrated on it. After ten minutes, I finally stopped typing and saved the file for transfer to my computer later.

"Thanks, Angel. I'll transfer it when we can get to my computer." I flexed my fingers to work the cramps out before devouring a little more lunch.

"What is it, Bill? You looked as if you were in a trance." Ami sounded worried. I smiled and hugged her gently.

"I think it's the formula for MacManusite. It's about what I'd imagined - a hyperdimensional plastic based on Lexan and diamonds."

"The material Laputa's made out of?" Ami asked, disbelieving.

"That's right. I'm going to have to experiment with it to see if it is everything I think it is, but if it is...." My voice trailed off as I saw Usagi and Makoto looking at us with that glazed expression ordinary people get around people who are geeking.

"Sorry. Imagine a plastic that's stronger than diamonds and can be worked into any form you care to imagine, from fabric to solid masses - and any color you care to imagine, from transparent crystal to deep matte black."

"Transparent crystal?" Usagi looked at me with a hopeful expression. Makoto and Ami caught that look and gasped, then turned the same hopeful gaze on me.

"That's right. And if I can figure out the matrices, the plastic can have electronics coded right into its molecular structure, so you could have...." I realized why they were staring so hopefully at me and nodded slowly. "I think so. If Mamoru and Ami help me with the experiments, we could have it ready for building in plenty of time." I looked at Usagi and smiled. "We could even have your home ready before Chibi-Usa is born."

If anyone ever asks me if there's anything more dangerous than demons, I'll have an answer for them. A happy blonde, throwing herself at you with unrestrained excitement, is infinitely more dangerous. Why? Because she's cute, she's lovable, she's unrestrained, and she almost brained me when the impact knocked me over.

While I was recovering, with an excited Usagi planting happy kisses on my face, Ami's watch began beeping. Makoto and Usagi jumped as if it were a communicator beep, but Ami just switched it off with a slightly sad smile.

"It's time for my next class. You'll keep Bill busy while I'm gone, right?"

"Of course! We have to interro...I mean, we have to find out all about him!" Usagi giggled and tried to look mean at me. Naturally, she failed miserably. She couldn't look mean if her life depended on it.

Ami laughed, came to me for a lingering kiss, and whispered, "I'll see you at the shrine, my love."

"I'll be waiting for you, Angel," I answered and kissed her hands before she got fully away from me.

Once she had left the room, I reached into my pocket for the business card Grandfather had given me; when I pulled it out, it had a sheet of paper wrapped around it. I guess I looked confused, because both Usagi and Makoto asked what was wrong. I unfolded the paper and laughed, then showed it to them.

"That woman is sneaky! I think I'm falling in love all over again." I grinned as they started, then joined me in laughter when they realized I didn't mean it in the same way I love Ami.

"Yes, she is," Usagi agreed, examining the paper on which Setsuna had written all of Ami's important data, from birth date to ring size. "I wonder why she thinks you need to know all this?" Her smile said she knew exactly why - or thought she did.

"I detect an impending shopping trip, don't you?" Makoto asked Usagi with a playful grin as she gathered the remains of lunch.

Usagi laughed and nodded, her ponytails flying like buggy whips with her enthusiasm. I had to join in the laughter. I swear, these women are so easy to love, it was as if I'd suddenly acquired a flock of best friends.

"As a matter of fact, yes." I held out the business card so they could read it. "Do either of you know how to find this place?"

"Isn't that the jeweler that makes the jewelry the shrine sells?" Makoto asked thoughtfully.

"Of course we know where it is! Come on, Mako-chan! Let's take Bill shopping!" Usagi grabbed both of us and pulled us to our feet. She was freshly fueled, so Hurricane Usagi was in top form.

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Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, Sailor Senshi, and all terms, names, etc. associated with the series are copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. I make no claim to them and this work of fanfiction should not be seen as making a claim.

Those characters and concepts that are original, the Crystal Kingdom Archives, and the story "Demon Hunter's Journal", are copyrighted © 2000 by Bill Hartwell.

Raven, Fred MacManus, David and Edgar MacManus, MacManusite, and the Ravenfield are copyrighted © 1980 by Bill Hartwell.

Ben, Eve, Diana, Alex, and Lauren are Copyrighted © 1992 by Bill Hartwell

Knights in Tarnished Armor is Copyrighted © 1998 by Bill Hartwell